Linen & Roots
Linen & Roots
Holistic God given rhythms for living an intentional life

Foods That Heal

Linen & Roots Meal Plans are comprised of allergy-friendly whole foods that promote healing and overall wellness. What you fuel your body with affects how you perform throughout the day and for years to come. These recipes are focused on keeping inflammation and disease out of your body and fueling it with nutrients that enhance focus, energy, and a healthy lifestyle.

Recipes That Delight

What often comes to mind when you hear of healthy meal plans are the words “bland” and “boring.” Our recipes are far from that. Each plan is packed with full-flavored, nutrient-rich and thoughtfully-sourced recipes that the entire family will enjoy. They won’t even realize they’re eating so healthy and will be begging for seconds!

A Plan That Works

We know you are busy. Planning meals each week for you and your family can be overwhelming. Let us take care of this keystone habit for you so that the rest of your week goes smoothly. These done-for-you meal plans are easy to implement and come with comprehensive grocery shopping lists to make your meal planning simple and hassle-free.


It’s time to stop the vicious cycle of stressful meal times, unhealthy eating, constant fatigue, and chronic illness.

Failing to meal plan properly will hurt your body, your bank account, and your overall health.


The Cure is in the Kitchen

Eating processed foods causes dysbiosis in your gut which over time manifests as brain fog, fatigue, allergies, mental illness, and chronic disease. The recipes in Linen & Roots Meal Plans are filled with foods that will heal your body and mind, all the while promoting the connection, harmony and community that slowing down and cooking fosters. It’s designed to get you “back to the Garden” — the Garden of Eden that is — reconnecting you with the way God intended us to eat.



Introducing the Linen & Roots Meal Plan


Making it Simple for Busy Families to Eat & Live Well

Prepare flavorful meals that will make your family smile and make you all feel better than you ever have before. And the best part, Linen & Roots Meal Plans are ready-made and easy to implement, taking the hassle and stress out of meal planning. You get to spend more time doing what you love with the people you love while providing them with healthy food choices.


What You Get With Each Plan

  • 20-25 Thoughtfully Sourced Dinner Recipes

  • Comprehensive Shopping Lists

  • Price Breakdown of Each Serving

  • List of Seasonal Ingredients

  • “What Not to Buy” and “How to Shop” Guides

  • Walk-Throughs of How We Grocery Shop

  • Quick Tips for Meal Plan Ease of Use

  • Index and Explanations of Industry Buzzwords



 There are studies that highly suggest that eating foods that are in-season is imperative to preventing the common diseases that typically accompany that season. We believe whole-heartedly that food really can heal! For that reason we take careful consideration to build our recipes with foods that are in-season. Not only does this make it easy to find in the grocery store, but eating these foods will also provide your body with the nutrients it needs to give you natural immunity during that particular season.

Every season we’ll release 3 months worth of plans. You can purchase 1 month at time if you’re just trying things out, or you can go ahead and bundle your purchase to save money and time.



Not ready to bundle? Try it out for a month. Then we’ll send you an email letting you know when next month’s plan is available to purchase a la carte.


(A La Carte)


Save 17% by purchasing a seasonal bundle of plans. Plus we’ll automatically send you an email with the next month’s plan!


(Save 17%)


Go ahead and purchase the entire year of meal plans upfront. We’ll automatically send you each month’s plan in plenty of time to implement it into your life’s rhythms.


(Save 25%)


Meet The Creator


Kristi Blackburn

I am a Physician Assistant, online wellness coach, and most recently a cookbook author. I realized the healing power of food when I was a health coach at a local hospital. I participated in an intensive training with the Center for Mind-Body Medicine where we learned how to treat chronic disease by addressing what we eat, how we move, and how mindful we are. In this training, they brought in some of the leading doctors all over the nation, who taught us how to help heal our patients with food first, before prescribing medication.

My daughter was diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder. There was no pharmaceutical cure for this disease. And the medicine they were prescribing had horrible side effects that would suppress her immune system, causing more harm than good. During that training I learned that food could help heal her. So I implemented their healing practices and immediately noticed a difference in her. This ignited a passion in me for holistic wellness. I knew I had to share this simple, yet profound truth with others.

This is why I create these resources, to help people learn how to live whole and healthy lives, and to empower them to take back their health.


3 Simple Steps



With flexible options for purchase, The Linen & Roots Meal Plan has everything you need to take the stress and drudge out of meal planning for the month, season, or entire year!



Once you purchase a plan we’ll send you the current month’s plan in both digital spread and print-friendly formats. If you purchased the seasonal plan or the 1-year subscription we’ll automatically email you the following month’s plan 10 days before the month begins.



Once you've completed your purchased and we’ve sent you the meal plan, simply take the comprehensive shopping list with you to your choice grocery stores and get a head start on the week!


Try Out a 1-Week Sample Meal Plan